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热门试题热门资讯 相关试题

Instructions:In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Answers 1 - 5 are based on the following passage.  Few would deny that what we see in the media affects the way we think and act. Advertisers, knowing this better than anyone else, pay millions of dollars every year to sell their products. For prime time television advertising in the United States, companies pay up to two million dollars for a single forty-second advertisement.  In the competition for audience attention, advertisers will do almost anything they can think of to sell their product. A common tactic in commercial advertising is to tie the advertised product to sex or glamour, even when these features do not directly relate to the product. How many times have we seen a pretty woman selling a car? Other ads may make exaggerated claims about the effectiveness of their products.  Consumer complaints about misleading or inappropriate content in advertisements have led to multiple restrictions on advertising. Laws exist in many countries to regulate advertising. In the United States, television advertisements for alcoholic beverages cannot show a person actually drinking the beverage.  Restricting advertisers through legislation brings up issues of freedom of speech and individual rights. For this reason, US law makers have tried to avoid passing many laws that might limit advertisers’ rights. Instead, they have asked the advertising industry to find ways to regulate itself. This led to the creation of the National Advertising Review Council (NARC) in the 1970s.  Major advertisers and advertising agencies set up NARC, an industry—run agency that would maintain standards of accuracy, morality, and social responsibility in advertising. Since then, there have been two branches within the organization: the National Advertising Division (NAD) and the National Advertising Review Board (NARB). The NAD is like the police of the organization. They receive complaints by consumers, consumer groups, companies, or associations about advertisements. NAD then investigates the ads and reports any misconduct. If NAD and the advertiser cannot find a way to correct the ad together, the case goes before the NARB for review. The Review Board then reviews the ad and makes a recommendation.  As part of the trend towards non-governmental regulation, the media in which advertising appears also work as a kind of censor. Television stations all have departments for reviewing ads before the ads can be shown on the air. This is true for radio stations as well. Likewise, magazines and newspapers review ads before publication to make sure both the products and the content are appropriate for their readers. In addition to their reviews for appropriateness, some publications even check the accuracy of the information in the ads.  Along with national advertising organizations and the media, individual advertising agencies comprise a third layer of censorship. Advertising agencies certainly want the public to have confidence in their ads. Therefore, most advertisers use market research as a way to verify the claims made in advertisements. Furthermore, if consumers learn about misleading claims in the ads for a product, the consumers can sue the advertisers. This is why most large advertising agencies employ in-house lawyers for reviewing ads.  The medium of web advertising has opened entirely new questions about advertising, targeting one’s intended audience, and appropriateness of ad content. At the same time, consumers have made more and more focused demands on all forms of media. In the UK, for example, some have called for a ban on the advertising of fast food, which is widely blamed for problems of obesity. For the time being, a combination of government regulation, citizen demands, and industry self-regulation will continue to shape what marketers do.  Summary  Media affects the way we think and act. With so many advertisements, their creators must think of innovative ways to get consumers’ 1 Some ads may make exaggerated claims about their products or have misleading content. Public complaints about advertising have led to government regulations in many countries. In the United States, advertisers have set up a self-policing 2 called NARC to censor ads. Through self-regulation, the industry avoids issues of 3 of speech and makes sure that their ads are accurate. Advertisers with deceptive ads can be 4 However, new forms of media, such as the web, have created new questions about 5 。








(三十七)  【给定资料】  PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,也称为可入肺颗粒物。它主要来源于日常发电、工业生产、汽车尾气排放等过程中经过燃烧而排放的残留物。它的直径还不到人的头发丝粗细的1/20。与较粗的大气颗粒物相比,PM2.5粒径小,富含大量的有毒、有害物质且在大气中的停留时间长、输送距离远,因而对人体健康和大气环境质量的影响更大。连续遭遇雾霾天气,空气糟糕到让人难以忍受,而空气质量预报却显示“轻度污染”。环境  专家解释,出现这种不一致的原因,是官方预报系统以PM1O(直径小于或等于10微米的可吸入微粒)作为评价因素。“如果官方能够预报PM2.5浓度,当然是一件好事,像患有呼吸系统疾病的敏感人群,可以根据预报安排自己的生活,尽量少去户外,做好防护措施。”复旦大学公共卫生学院教授宋某说。  人就像一部精密的仪器,每一个结构都是适应环境的结果。我们的呼吸系统,天然地有着阻挡污染物的能力,那些较大的污染物,在经过鼻腔、咽喉时就已经被阻挡,即便是能够进入气管、支气管的脏东西,也可以随着气管内纤毛的运动,被运送出呼吸道。不过,人体也处处存在漏洞,对于微小的颗粒物,呼吸系统的屏障就无能为力。除了自己“干坏事”,细颗粒物还像一辆辆可以自由进入呼吸系统的小车,其他致病的物质,如细菌、病毒,会搭着“顺风车”,来到呼吸系统的深处,造成感染。  细颗粒物还有很多“办法”诱发心血管疾病。比如,细颗粒物可以直接进入血液,诱发血栓的形成。另一个间接的方式是,细颗粒物刺激呼吸道产生炎症后,呼吸道释放细胞因子引起血管损伤,最终导致血栓的形成。  流行病学的调查发现,城市大气颗粒物中的多环芳烃与居民肺癌的发病率和死亡率相关。多环芳烃进入人体的过程中,细颗粒物就扮演了“顺风车”的角色,大气中的大多数多环芳烃吸附在颗粒物的表面,尤其是粒径在5毫米以下的颗粒物上,大颗粒物上的多环芳烃很少。也就是说,空气中细颗粒物越多,我们接触致癌物——多环芳烃的机会就越多。  还有一些发现,让人更加担忧。近年来的一些报告显示,人类的生殖能力正在明显下降,环境污染被认为是罪魁祸首。来自波希米亚北部的一项调查,对接触高浓度PM2.5的孕妇进行了研究,发现高浓度的细颗粒物污染可能会影响胚胎的发育。更多的研究发现,大气颗粒物的浓度与围产儿、新生儿死亡率的上升,低出生体重、宫内发育迟缓,以及先天功能缺陷具有相关性。  从公开的科研资料来看,对PM2.5的研究很多聚焦于肺脏。研究者们从肺脏的毒理学研究人手:以PM2.5对4组大鼠每天进行1次染毒,连续进行3天,再向这些大鼠的肺灌洗液并对肺组织病理切片分析后发现,PM2.5能够引起肺部血管通透性的改变、肺细胞损伤和加重氧化应激损伤。在高剂量染毒组,大鼠肺部炎性细胞渗出,肺间隔水肿。  有研究机构曾做过一项采集北京城区大气中的PM2.5,以人肺泡上皮细胞株为模型进行毒理作用研究的实验。在这个实验中,以25、50、100、200μg/ml等不同的染毒状况进行对比发现,随着染毒浓度的增加,PM2.5可引起这些细胞的炎性损伤。  “种种证据表明,目前这些小颗粒物对细胞损伤已是公论。”中国工程院院士魏某介绍说,当这些小东西进入人体后,一般直接到达支气管和肺泡,甚至可以进入血液,其吸附的重金属氧化物或多环芳烃等致癌物质危害很大。  为此,国家环保部公布《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》,这是我国目前最严格的大气污染防治综合性规划,它首次提出将大气污染治理实施联防联控与属地管理相结合,并规划了京津冀、长三角等13个重点区域,其中京津冀、长三角、珠三角区域要求细颗粒物PM2.5年均浓度下降6%,为大气环境质量的改善和实现“美丽中国”保驾护航。  【问题】  请根据“给定资料”,为某网站写一篇短文,向社会介绍PM2.5,以增强大家的环境保护意识。  要求:  (1)内容具体,符合实际;  (2)通俗易懂,表达简明;  (3)不超过400字。
