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In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully, and then complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in each of the blanks. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.  Everyone knows about pollution in the environment. Water, air, and land are all polluted. This means that pollution is everywhere. Now, scientists are looking inside our bodies to find out about internal pollution.  In 2003, the Environmental Working Group studied nine people to measure the chemicals in their bodies. These nine people had an average of 53 cancer-causing chemicals in their bodies. They also had an average of 62 chemicals that can damage the brain, and 55 that can harm babies in pregnant women. Even though a lot of chemicals were found in human bodies, the chemicals were found in small amounts. The amounts were small enough that they were probably not hurting the people. However, scientists are worried because most of these chemicals were created by humans. Most of these chemicals did not exist 75 years ago. This proves that we have not only polluted the world—we have polluted our own bodies!  How does this pollution get into our bodies? We come into contact with many chemicals every day. For example, everyone uses soap, skin lotion, and shampoo. However, few people know that these products contain harmful chemicals, some of which may cause memory loss. Chemicals known as DEA (diethanolamine) and TEA (triethanolamine) may seep into the skin and stop us from absorbing a helpful nutrient called “choline”. Choline is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in the memory cell making process in the developing brain. Some people worry that every time we wash our hair, we are decreasing our memories.  Everyone knows they should brush their teeth regularly, but recent research has shown that some toothpastes can cause cancer. Fluoride is a key ingredient in many toothpastes. However, studies show that fluoride does not really protect our teeth. In fact, fluoride has been connected with bone cancer and other diseases. While we are trying to save our smiles, we could be damaging our health.  Women are probably exposed to more chemicals than men because they use more beauty products. Recently, harmful chemicals have been found in nail polish, hair spray, deodorant, and perfume. The chemicals are called “phthalates”. Studies on animals have shown that phthalates can damage the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs. Cosmetic companies say the amounts of phthalates in their products are safe, but consumer protection groups disagree. They say some women use so many products that the levels are actually high. So, the more women try to look beautiful, the more they could be harming their health.  In a futuristic story by Ray Bradbury, a man found a pristine stream on a new planet. When he drank from the stream, he died! Why? His body was so polluted that pure water was a poison to him! Perhaps that is only science fiction, but it reminds us to take care of our bodies. We must find ways to reduce the pollution we absorb.  Summary:  Like our polluted environment, our bodies are no longer pollution-free. Scientists now know that there is pollution in our bodies. On  1 , we have 53 cancer-causing chemicals in our bodies. Even fluoride  2 with bone cancer and other diseases. Some common cosmetics contain small amounts of chemicals, which seep into our  3 when we use these products. They prevent us from absorbing the  4 our bodies need. So, it is  5 that we find ways to reduce the amount of chemicals in our bodies. We should remind our friends and families to take care of their bodies.


In this section, there is one passage followed by ...






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W企业发生的经济业务如下:(1)W企业自2011年1月1日起为Z企业开发一项系统软件。合同约定工期为两年,合同总收入为50000元,2011年1月1日Z企业支付项目价款25000元,余款于软件开发完成时支付。1月1日,W企业收到Z企业支付的该项目价款25000元,并存入银行。该项目预计总成本为20000元。其他相关资料如下: 该项目于2012年12月31日完成并交付给Z企业,余款25000元已收到。W企业按开发程度确定该项目的完工程度,提供劳务交易结果能够可靠估计。假定为该项目发生的实际成本均用银行存款支付。(2)W企业与乙公司签订协议,采用预收款方式向乙公司销售一批商品,该批商品的实际成本为150000元。协议约定,该批商品销售价格为200000元,增值税税额为34000元;乙公司应在协议签订时预付60%的货款(按销售价格计算),剩余款项于下月交付商品时支付。要求:根据上述资料,回答下列第(1)~(3)题: 关于业务(1),2012年发生的业务表述不正确的是()。


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