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(二)  【给定资料】  在当今的国际较量中,一个国家的硬实力不行,可能一打就败,而一个国家的软实力不行,则不打自败,这是日前在北京举办的“第二届中国文化软实力研究高层论坛暨《中国文化软实力研究报告(2010)》新闻发布会上”,专家学者对努力发展当今中国软实力必要性和重要性的共同认识。  此次研讨会指出,当下世人对中国文化形象的感知,仍然主要停留在中华民族悠久恢弘的传统文化上,而很多场合我们自己也是习惯于向世人展示中国文化的传统元素。  国外有评论说,“假如中国一直都做类似杂技、书法、太极拳之类的表演——这当然都是非常好的东西,人们很喜欢,可是,把这么有意思的、全面的、复杂的中国,就用杂技和书法来解释是很可笑的”。  而国内一些地方在展示本国文化时,仍然习惯于“选用那些老掉牙的戏剧、文打武斗的功夫和平淡无奇的茶叶,他们还未意识到如何充分利用当代中国的文化先锋”。  实际上,人们更应该看到以简单方式让世人了解今天的中国正在发生什么的重要性。在现代激烈的文化竞争中,不能仅靠既存的传统,而必须创造传统的新生,否则,只会引来世人以“窥奇式的心态”看待当代中国文化和中国的发展,而这显然是可笑的。  人们可以认同蓝皮书观点:“中国要加强与世界的沟通与了解,多谈谈国家的创新、不断涌现的新思想以及应对诸多问题的新举措,这样,效果要比古老传统好得多”。  【问题】  “给定资料”的画线部分写道:“国内一些地方在展示本国文化时,仍然习惯于‘选用那些老掉牙的戏剧、文打武斗的功夫和平淡无奇的茶叶,他们还未意识到如何充分利用当代中国的文化先锋’。”请结合你对这段话的思考,参考给定资料,自拟题目,写一篇文章。  要求:  (1)自选角度,立意明确;  (2)联系实际,不拘泥于给定资料;  (3)语言流畅;  (4)总字数1000字左右。


(二)  【给定资料】  在当今的国际较量中,一个国家的硬实力不行,可能一打就败,而一个国家的软实力...

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热门试题热门资讯 相关试题

Practice 2  Prices have fallen in the food business because of advances in food production and distribution technology. Consumers have benefited greatly from those advances. People who predicted that the world would run out of food were wrong. We are producing more and more food with less and less capital. Food is therefore more plentiful and cheaper than it has ever been. Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen for many years, and continues to drop.  Supermarkets have helped push down prices mainly because of their scale. Like any big business, they can invest in IT systems that make them efficient. And their size allows them to buy in bulk. As supermarkets get bigger, the prices get lower.  Huge retail companies such as Wal-Mart have tremendous power and they can put pressure on producers to cut their margins. As a result, some producers have had to make cuts. In recent years, Unilever has cut its workforce by 33,000 to 245,000 and dropped lots of its minor brands as part of its “path to growth” strategy. Cadbury has shut nearly 20 per cent of its 133 factories and cut 10 per cent of its 55,000 global workforce. These cuts help keep costs down, and the price of food stays low.  Does cheap food make people unhealthy? Cheap food may encourage people to eat more. Food companies certainly think that giving people more food for their money makes them buy more. Giving people bigger portions is an easy way of making them feel they have got a better deal. That is why portions have got larger and larger. In America, soft drinks came in 8oz (225g) cans in the past, then 12oz (350g), and now come in 20oz (550g) cans. If a company can sell you an 8oz portion for $ 7, they can sell you a 12oz portion for $ 8. The only extra cost to the company is the food, which probably costs 25 cents.  Now companies are under pressure to stop selling bigger portions for less money. But it is hard to change the trend.








能够防止商品被盗窃并通过篡改记录加以掩饰的职责分工是(   )。

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