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Directions:In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in the spaces 76-80. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  Headaches are a big problem. But they are not just a problem for the person suffering from the headache. They are a problem for society as well. Each year, millions of people suffer from severe headaches that keep them from doing their jobs. In fact, according to one estimate, headaches cost individuals and businesses more than $50 billion each year! This is one of the reasons research into headaches has become a worldwide effort.  Although he did not know much about how headaches work, Hippocrates was the first doctor to find a way to treat them. Before 400 B.C., Hippocrates discovered that the bark from willow trees was useful in treating pain. He made a white powder from the tree’s bark and gave it to his patients.  Hippocrates did not know it, but he was actually prescribing a natural chemical in willow bark called salicin. When a person eats salicin, the chemical is changed inside her or his body into salicylic acid. It turns out that salicylic acid is good for stopping pain, including headache, but it is bad for a person’s stomach. In the 1800s, a chemist in Germany changed the acid’s form a little to make it easier for people to take. This new form of the chemical was called acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin today.  Aspirin was used throughout most of the 1900s to treat headaches, but doctors had little idea about what really caused headaches. When doctors know the cause of a disease, they can find better ways to treat it. Therefore, as medical technology developed, doctors began to use the technology to learn more about the human brain and about headaches.  Currently, doctors classify headaches into two general types: primary and secondary. A primary headache is a condition suffered as only the headache itself. On the other hand, a secondary headache is one caused by another condition. For example, someone who catches the flu may suffer from headaches along with other symptoms of the illness. Flu headaches are thus secondary headaches.  For primary headaches, doctors have determined three possible causes. One kind of primary headache is caused by stress. Doctors usually call these tension headaches. Such headaches are characteristically felt on both sides of the head as a dull, steady pain.Another kind of primary headache is the migraine headache. Doctors believe these headaches are caused by reduced flow of blood to certain parts of the brain. A migraine sufferer usually feels intense pain on one side of the head. The sufferer also becomes sensitive to light and noise. If the migraine is severe, the sufferer may vomit repeatedly.  The third kind of primary headache is known as the cluster headache. Cluster headaches typically occur around the same time each day for weeks or months at a time. The person suffering from this kind of headache usually feels pain on one side of her or his head, and the pain is centered around one of the person’s eyes. Doctors do not know much at present about cluster headaches, but they seem more common among men and could be related to alcohol or other things that affect a person’s blood flow.  Using computers and more advanced medical equipment, doctors continue to learn more about what happens in the brain before and during headaches. Especially in the case of migraines, some doctors believe they have found the part of the brain that sets off the reaction for severe attacks. With this new insight into brain processes, doctors hope new ways will be discovered for stopping disabling headaches before they begin.  Summary:  Doctors knew a long time ago that the  1 from the willow trees could help people who felt pain. Hippocrates was the first doctor to change organic material into a powder and give it to his patients. But it was not until the 1800s that this natural drug was altered and became known as  2 .  With the help of technology, doctors have now gained detailed insight into how the brain works and what happens when a person suffers from a headache. Through this research, headaches have been  3 primary and secondary headaches. There are three types of primary headaches: tension, migraine, and cluster headaches. Although not much is known about cluster headaches, doctors have been able to determine some of the things that  4 During a migraine attack, the sufferer may become  5 and noise.


Directions:In this section, there is one passage f...






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男性,20岁,未婚,某大学四年级学生,家在农村,排行老二,上有一姐,下有一弟。自我陈述:近一年来记忆力下降,没精神看书,逻辑分析能力下降,紧张,害怕考试,害怕老师为难我,睡不好觉,晚上睡不着,白天没精神,食欲下降,身体也比以前瘦了,曾去医院检查过内科和神经科,吃过一些药,没有效果。这半年比以前严重了,才来心理科看病。.了解资料:求助者的家长叙述:自幼生长在农村,家境贫寒,为了让自己上大学姐姐高中毕业后就外出打工。因为自己皮肤黑,同学起外号叫小泥鳅。上了大学后,拼命学习,立志要毕业后找到一个好工作,改变家里的境况。咨询过程:首先经过收集资料,了解到这个大学生的生活背景和心理上的情况:一方面内心有点自卑、胆怯,怕比不上别人。另一方面又很自负,觉得别人不比他聪明,有时也看不上教得不好的老师,难免对有些老师的态度不够尊敬,但内心也害怕被老师处罚。经过四次咨询,求助者认知上有了改变,症状有了明显改善,顺利通过了考试。提问资料:经过几次咨询后心理咨询师和求助者对前一段的工作进行了总结并作了纪录。求助者明白自己紧张的原因是与小时候的负性体验有关,担心大学的老师会像小学老师一样冤枉自己,求助者的紧张情绪得到缓解,能够专心复习功课,睡眠状况随之也得到改善。双方还商讨了下次咨询任务即第三个咨询目标关于外号问题的探讨。求助者认为泥鳅很滑不好抓,同学们这样叫他是在讽刺他为人圆滑,所以感觉非常不舒服,心理咨询师向求助者询问同学们这样叫的原因,求助者也不知道,只是猜测。因此心理咨询师给求助者布置了家庭作业,心理咨询师建议求助者回学校后亲自问问同学们给他起外号的原因。求助者听从了心理咨询师的意见。 咨询小结包括()。






心脾两虚失眠的特点是(  )。


