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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2022-06-30 05:01:06 发布人:

1、Which of the following is NOT advocated by Modernists?(单选题)

A. Using prefabricated elements.

B. Using cold, hard expanses of glass.

C. Using reinforced metal frames.

D. Diminishing the importance of decoration.


2、As for the writer, what can be concluded from the talk?(单选题)

A. He believes driving on a road as dull as a motorway leads to drivers’ sleepiness.

B. He thinks it a pity that the issue of sleepiness has not been properly reported.

C. He agrees with the government bodies that reliable statistics cannot be obtained.

D. He shares with the police that sleepiness has caused 20% of motorway accidents.


3、Which of the following does the author think is essential to a healthy economy?


A. Foreign banks entering local markets.

B. Domestic banks channeling more fund on the international market.

C. Local banks lending more to businesses.

D. Banks avoiding risky investments.


4、The video security systems ______.


A. play an important role in arresting terrorists before they take action

B. have cost the U.S. Department of Homeland Security more than $ 40 million so far

C. are mainly deployed near Washington

D. work better than they have been expected to


5、What happened to many East Asian countries in 1999?(单选题)

A. They adopted a number of expansionary policies.

B. There was remarkable progress of structural reforms.

C. They were still hard-hit by the 1997 currency crisis.

D. They still received little foreign direct investment.
