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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2023-01-24 05:01:32 发布人:

1、What is the speaker’s attitude toward individualism?


A. Families and troops should not be influenced by individualism, which is very strong in our society.

B. We should nurture virtues like self-sacrifice, loyalty and love to phase out individualism.

C. Individualism is so strong in our society that it will replace virtues like self-sacrifice, loyalty and love even in families.

D. An individualistic society is not what we want, though it’s powerful.


2、Which statement about China is NOT true?(单选题)

A. It comes the second among nations in carbon emissions.

B. It has five percent of the world’s population.

C. It accounted for nearly half of the global increase in emissions in the last decade.

D. Its carbon emissions have jumped 47%since l990.


3、Which of the following is not mentioned in the treaty against smoking?


A. The treaty calls for new labeling for tobacco products.

B. The treaty calls for an advertising ban.

C. The treaty calls for outdoor air controls to reduce second-hand smoking.

D. The treaty calls for stronger legislation against tobacco smuggling.


4、Investments in developing holiday resorts ______.


A. have yielded profits for the state-run pension fund.

B. are faced with a shortfall of ~6 trillion at the end of March.

C. have turned wasteland into hot properties.

D. have incurred great losses for the ministry of welfare in Japan.


5、According to the speaker, what mistakes do many drivers make?


A. They drive full time.

B. They do not concentrate on their window-shopping.

C. They cannot see the hood of their car.

D. They drive while tired or worried.
