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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2023-01-29 05:00:34 发布人:

1、Generally speaking, men play ball games much better than women because ______.(单选题)

A. men play ball games more often than women

B. men love ball games more than women do

C. men’s hand and eye movements are quicker in response

D. men have a smaller number of nerves in their brains than women


2、What could be an appropriate title for the passage?(单选题)

A. Identity Crisis for Women

B. Role Changes of Genders and the Industrial Revolution

C. Sex and Work

D. The Struggle Towards Equality of Men and Women


3、Which of the following is true about the Internet according to the passage?(单选题)

A. Americans were more in contact before the advent of the Internet.

B. The Internet is weakening the tie of social networks.

C. If you use the internet, you are more likely to get help from network members.

D. Internet users are more likely to receive help from non-users.


4、Where are housing prices the highest?(单选题)

A. In an area where the economy is strong and lots of new buildings are being constructed.

B. In an area where the economy is strong but the space for new buildings is limited.

C. In an area where the economy is poor and population is decreasing.

D. In an area where the housing market is structured differently from the investment market.


5、In North America, ______.


A. consumers cut down 2 and half million hectares of forest each year.

B. the forest service spends a huge sum of money trying to repair the damage caused by consumers.

C. deforestation has cause huge amount of loss.

D. fires have caused steep loss to the forests.
