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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2021-09-23 06:08:00 发布人:

1、From this passage we can infer that ______.(单选题)

A. we’ll invite the craftsman to teach in the college

B. schools and books are not the only way to knowledge

C. scientific discoveries are based on personal experience

D. discoveries and rediscoveries are the most important source of knowledge for a college student


2、Journalists are not eager to accept computer newspapers, because ______.(单选题)

A. they don’t know how to use computers

B. they think computer newspapers take too much time to read

C. they think the new technology is bad

D. they have been trained to write for traditional newspapers


3、The underlined word “assemble” in the second paragraph probably means ______.(单选题)

A. to bring a group of people together in one place for a particular purpose

B. to make a public or official statement, especially about a plan, decision

C. to produce many copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper

D. not to take part in an event or not to buy or use something as a protest


4、Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the passage?(单选题)

A. Women did not have the right to vote before 1900.

B. Women had the right to vote throughout the country in 1920.

C. A little number of women held high academic and government positions in 1920.

D. “Career women” were largely restricted to some areas.


5、The biggest advantage of this product is that ______.(单选题)

A. it will be faster and cheaper than manual labor

B. it can climb mountainsides, drill holes, insert bars and cement

C. it can collect data on the slope’ s stability

D. it can drill without a human being on board



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