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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2021-10-17 08:21:09 发布人:

1、 What will the man probably do? (单选题)

A. Take the job.

B. Refuse the offer.

C. Change the working hours.


2、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
I´m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive(36)____ in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master(37)____, Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38)____, and since the queen is the most(39)____ piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40)____ .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41)____. He picked up his queen,paused, and placed it down on the most (42)____ square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43)____ by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44)____.
Then the Russian, and the (45)____, realized that Marshall had actually made a (46)____ move.
It was clear that no matter how the (47)____ was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48)____ posi-tion. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49)____ of Marshall´s daring, they showered the chess-board with money. Marshall had achieved (50)____ in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51)____ by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it´s not (52)____ that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53)____to make such a move. He had looked (54)____ the usual patterns of play and had been will-ing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55)____, Marshall was the winner.
{TS}第(36)题选 (单选题)

A. experience

B. battle

C. game

D. chance


3、 第(47)题选 (单选题)

A. warned

B. taught

C. told

D. asked


4、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
why can you look at an object in the real world and see it as a three-dimensional(三维的)object, but if you see that same object on a television, it looks flat? what´ s going on, and how does 3-D technology get around the problem?
It all has to do with the way we see objects. When the light that travels to an object is sent bacck to our eyes, our brains understand the light and make up a picture in our minds. When an ob-ject is far away, the light travelling to one eye is parallel(平行的) with the light travelling to the other eye. But as an object gets closer, the lines are no longer parailel--they move toward the same point where they join. You can see this effect if you try to look at something fight in front of your nose--you´ ll get a lovely cross-eyed expression.
when you look at an object, your brain measures the effort your eyes make to focus on the object as well as how much they had to gather the light to the same point. Together, this informa-tion allows you to guess how far away the object is. If your eyes had to gather the light with quite a big effort, then it stands to reason that the object is close to you.
The secret to 3-D television and films is that by wearing a special pair of glasses and by show-ing each eye the same picture in two different places, you can make your brain think that the flat picture you´ re seeing has depth. But this actually doesn´ t match up the way we see real objects.
While your eyes may gather two images(形象) that seem to be one object right in front of you,they´ re actually focusing on pictures further away. This is why your eyes get very tired if you try to watch too many 3-D movies in one sitting.
{TS} What makes us see an object in the real world as three-dimensional? (单选题)

A. The shape of the object.

B. The way our eyes work.

C. The area the object covers.

D. The sharpness of our mind.


5、 第(43)题选 (单选题)

A. frightened

B. guarded

C. discovered

D. caught



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