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教师公考类 | 中学教师资格证



发布时间: 2021-11-25 08:20:39 发布人:

1、 下列选项中,属于强调学生探究性学习方式的是(  ) (单选题)

A. 基于问题式学习

B. 接受式学习

C. 程序性学习

D. 结果导向式学习


2、 请阅读 Passage 1,完成{TSE}小题。
Passage 1
Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22 kindergartners, a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for the morning. Even at 9 a.m., she is effervescent and charismatic.
Yet behind Asselin´s bright expression, her enthusiasm is fading.
Asselin,24, is days away from finishing her first year as a teacher, the career of her dreams since she was a little girl giving arithmetic lessons on a dry-erase board to her stuffed bears and dolls.
While she began the school year in Virginia´s Fairfax County full of optimism, Asselin now finds herself, as many young teachers do, questioning her future as an educator. What changed in the months between August and June? She says that an onslaught of tests that she´s required to give to her five-and six-year-old students has brought her down to reality.
"It´ s more than a first-year teacher ever imagines," Asselin said."You definitely have a lot of highs and lows, and it keeps going up and down and up and down."
New federal data that the Education Department released in April shows that about 10 percent of new teachers leave the profession within the first year on the job, and 17 percent leave within five years of starting. Though far lower than earlier estimates, it still means that many young educators bail from the classroom before they gain much of a foothold. For Asselin, testing has been the biggest stressor.
The proliferation of testing in schools has become one of the most contentious topics in The exams can alter the course of a student´s schooling and can determine whether a teacher is promoted or fired. In Virginia, schools earn grades on state-issued report cards based on the scores students earn on mandatory end-of-year exams.
The Fairfax County school system, one of the nation´s largest, boasts that its kindergarten students take part in coursework that exceeds the state´ s standards. Unlike most states, Virginia has never adopted the Common Core State Standards, but Virginia officials say that the state´ s academic standards are just as--or more--rigorous.
Asselin said that means that even the youngest students in public school are trader an academic microscope, making kindergarten about far more than socialization and play time.
{TS}Why does Asselin question her future as an educator in less than a year´ s time? (单选题)

A. It is a common practice for American young teachers.

B. She has experienced too many highs and lows in her work.

C. It is totally beyond her expectation to give kids endless test.

D. She has grown tired of greeting her kindergartners every day.


3、 下列关于小提琴协姿曲《《梁祝》的叙述,不正确的是 (单选题)

A. 由何占豪与陈刚两人创作

B. 首演由小提琴家吕思清担任独奏

C. 采用姿鸣曲式结构,单乐章写作

D. 运用越剧中的旋律为素材


4、 名著导读活动中,教师向学生推荐一部带有自传色彩的小说,下列适合的是()。 (单选题)

A. 沈从文《湘行散记》

B. 林海音《城南旧事》

C. 屠格涅夫《猎人笔记》

D. 丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨孙漂流记》


5、 下面谱例选自哪位作曲家的歌剧作品?()

A. 莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》

B. 瓦格纳《罗恩格林》

C. 威尔第《茶花女》

D. 普契尼《图兰朵》



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