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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2022-01-27 08:47:46 发布人:

1、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
You do not usually get something for nothing. Now, a new study reveals that the evolution of an improved learning ability could come at a particularly high price: an earlier death.
Past experiments have demonstrated that it is relatively easy through selective breeding to make rats, honey bees and--that great favourite of researchers--fruit flies a lot better at learning. Ani-mals that are better learners should be competitive and, thus, over time, come to dominate a popu-lation by natural selection. But improved learning ability does not get selected amongst these ani-mals in the wild. No one really understands why.
Tadeusz Kawecki and his colleagues at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland have meas-ured the effects of improved learning on the lives of fruit flies. The flies were given two different fruits as egg-laying sites. One of these was laced with a bitter additive that could be detected only on contact. The flies were then given the same fruit but without an additive. Flies that avoided the fruit which had been bitter were deemed to have learned from their experience. Their children were reared and the experiment was run again.
After repeating the experiment for 30 generations, the children of the learned flies were com-pared with normal flies. The researchers report in a forthcoming edition of Evolution that although learning ability could be bred into a population of fruit flies, it shortened their lives by 15%. When the researchers compared their learned flies to colonies selectively bred to live long lives, they found even greater differences. Whereas learned flies had reduced their life spans, the long-lived flies learned less well than even average flies.
The authors suggest that evolving an improved learning ability may require a greater investment in the nervous system which takes resources away from processes that delay ageing. However, Dr.Kawecki thinks the effect could also be a by-product of greater brain activity increasing the produc-tion of Reactive Oxygen Species ( ROS), which can increase oxidation in the body and damage health.
No one knows whether the phenomenon holds true for other animals. So, biologists, at least,still have a lot to learn.
{TS}Past experiments prove selective breeding can make animals better__________. (单选题)

A. commanders

B. competitors

C. survivors

D. learners


2、 Questions 18-21 are based on the following dialogue between a doctor and his patient.
What’s wrong with the woman? (单选题)

A. She hasn’t recovered from her illness.

B. She can’t have a good sleep.

C. She has a headache.

D. She can’t understand the doctor.


3、 {MP3:}
{TS}Where does the conversation most probably take place? (单选题)

A. In a post office.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a bank.

D. In a supermarket.


4、 第(43)题选


5、 、What does the woman mean? (单选题)

A. She is asking for a higher pay.

B. She is introducing a new friend.

C. She is too busy.

D. She’s got some problems.



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