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热门试题热门资讯 相关试题

Passage 2  ● Look at the sentences below and five paragraphs  ● Which view (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement l-8 refer to?  ● For each sentence l-8, mark the letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.  ● You will need to use some of these letters more than once.  Example:   0. Skills of opening are introduced to them in order to attract attention.  1. During the course, the use of such aids as projectors, slides, recordings and videos is also encouraged so as to improve the effect of oral presentation.  2. It is the national capital of Australia.  3. It includes determining the conference agenda.  4. If you communicate at international academic conferences, you will use it.  5. It may be able to come up with solutions much faster.  6. If you want to go some place for a holiday, you can go there.  7. The work force with electronics industry provides most of the other jobs available.  8. Faced with the unexpected, it counts for more than one person working single handed.  A  The Speech of the Paper Presenters  The presentation of academic papers is the most fundamental form of communication at international academic conferences and the core activity of a simulated international academic conference as well. Well require that, on the platform, the students should be able to adjust themselves to the optimal state, control their voice, volume, speed and intonation, adapt themselves to the situation and express themselves freely. Skills of opening are introduced to them such as direct opening, thanking and praising, background introduction, and humorous expressions, in order to attract attention. They are also taught the approaches to logical development, topic shifting illustrating facts, displaying concrete examples, emphasizing key points, dealing with long sentences, repairing slip of the tongue, etc. Various aids are encouraged to improve the courses.  B  On the-spot Preparations  On-the-spot preparations relatively simple, which mainly refers to the arrangement of the conference room one or two hours before the conference, including hanging the logo, posting the papers(or abstracts), preparing drinks(for the breaks), adjusting the projector, arranging the seats of the guests, ensuring the recording and photographing, etc.  C  Canberra  Canberra, with a population of 286,000, is the regional capital of the Australinal Capital Territory (A.C. T.). The A.C.T was created especially as home for the national capital in l911 to prevent jealousy between the various states (former colonies) of the country. It is located in south-east Australia and surrounded on all sides by New South Wales (originally the prison colony established by the British in l788). All the major government administrative offices, the Australian National University, and the national museums are sited in Canberra. About 60%of the work force is employed by the government, with a small electronics industry providing most of the other jobs available. Originally a small town, the purpose-built capital shows urban planning at its best, with elegant public buildings and landscapes gardens.  D  Algarve  Whatever kind of holiday you want, you’ll find it in the Algarve, the garden coast of Portugal. But what the Algarve does, and better than most places, is the villa holiday. With your chosen companions—there are villas catering for from four to eight people-you for a package that includes transfers from Faro Airport to the villa, a fully-stocked fridge on arrival, maid service, and a fabulous villa with its own swimming pool are feeling really lazy, or simply want to try Portuguese cuisine without the worry of which restaurant to choose a cook. The best villas are usually those located on a hill— side overlooking the sea, although there are some very attractive ones that are almost on the beach.  E  The ideal size for a team is between 5 and 8 members. Larger that this and agreements are more difficult to reach. Each member of the team must have a clear picture of the goals of that particular team and be committed to, and responsible for, the other members of his or her team. It is essential that teams should act together and develop the team’s spirit rather than working individually. Training should take place together, along with group discussions, debate and decision-making based on the various situations that team is being trained to respond to.



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