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某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两 面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进行规划,并绘制了施工现场平面布置图。 事件二:为控制成本,现场围墙分段设计,实施全封闭式管理。即东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段设计为1.8m高砖围墙,并按市容管理要求进行美化;西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段设计为1.8m高普通钢围挡。 事件三:为宣传企业形象,总承包单位在现场办公室前空旷场地树立了悬挂企业旗帜的旗杆,旗杆与基座预埋件焊接连接。 事件四:为确保施工安全,总承包单位委派一名经验丰富的同志到项目担任安全总监。项目经理部建立了施工安全管理机构,设置了以安全总监为第一责任人的项目安全管理领导小组。在工程开工前,安全总监向项目有关人员进行了安全技术交底。专业分包单位进场后,编制了相应的施工安全技术措施,报批完毕后交项目经理部安全部门备案。 问题 事件一中,施工现场平面布置图通常应包含哪些内容?


某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两 面紧靠居民小区一般...






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Which configuration command allows the ERX Edge Router to advertise customer networks into the provider’s IGP?()

Passage 4The Corporate Laughter Business is Booming  When the CEO of Lotus, manufacturer of computer software, interviews job candidates, he looks (31)______ people who can laugh out loud. At the headquarters of ice-cream maker Ben& Jerry’s, the “Minister of Joy” supervises the “Joy Gang”, (32)______ has the job of spending $10, 000 a year planning and implementing workplace fun. Ode tics, maker of video security systems and other recording equipment, considered it an honor when Industry week called it “the wackiest place to work in the U. S.”  In corporate America today, humor is a serious business. Workers have been downsized, re-engineered, restructured, and overworked for so long they have forgotten how to smile and laugh. To remind them, companies are posting amusing notes and cartoons on (33)______ boards, building libraries of humorous books for workers to read, sponsoring “fun at work” days, “laughter” committees, and (34)______ hiring specialists.  As a result, the corporate humor business has taken off. A “humor services” group, called Humor Project, reports that it receives about twenty requests each day (35)______ companies looking for humor consultants. The Laughter Remedy, an organization that teaches the benefits of humor, helps employees build “humor skills” through a program that includes such steps (36)______“developing the ability to play with language” and “finding humor in everyday life. “ Humor consultant Paul McGhee gives audiences “remedial belly laughing” lessons. He tells them to smile, squint, raise their eyebrows, lower their jaws, tighten their stomach muscles, and laugh. Speakers from Lighten Up Limited, a humor consulting firm, urge workers to tell jokes and (37)______ humor breaks. In their search for comic relief, organizations are spending thousands of dollars. Humor consultant Matt Weinstein, for example, receives $ 7500 for a ninety-minute talk.  Why all the fuss and expense over an activity that seems contrary (38)______ the work ethic? One recent study reports that the most productive workplaces have at least ten minutes of laughter (39)______ hour. And corporations that have added honor to workplace report an increase not only in productivity but (40)______ in employee loyalty, creativity, and morale, as well as improved teamwork and employee health.






通信网中的(   )是通信网通信的汇点和终点,亦称原始消息和发射信号间的交换。


某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两 面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两 面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两 面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置...

某工程建筑面积13000m2,地处繁华城区。东、南两面紧邻市区主要路段,西、北两面紧靠居民小区一般路段。在项目实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:对现场平面布置进...