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A Nation of Immigrants Composed Mainly of the White People  The United States of America has long been known as a nation of immigrants and a “melting pot”, because the great majority of its people are immigrants and descendants of settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land, seeking their dream in America. The  first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. Now the descendants of European immigrants make up 80.3% of the American population of about 250 million.  English colonization in North America in the sixteenth century repeatedly failed. It was not until 1607 that the first English permanent settlement in America was establish. The first wave of colonizing activity, which began in 1606 and lasted until 1637, planted three groups of English colonies: Virginia and Maryland on the Chesapeake, the Puritan commonwealths of New England, and the British West Indies, and also the Dutch colony of New Netherlands, which became New York. Some other European countries also established their colonies along North America’s Atlantic coastline. In 1713, the population of the twelve continental colonies was nearly 360,000, a fourfold increase. Quite a lot of them were German and Scots-Irish. Discontented Germans came to English America because the German states had no overseas possessions, and no colonies except those of the English would admit foreigners. Most Germans entered America at Philadelphia, whence they spread out fanwise into the back-country and became the most prosperous farmers in North America. The English-speaking Scots-Irish came from Ulster. They were largely descendents of the Scots who had colonized Northern Ireland when the English were first setting Virginia. After 1713 the pressure of the native Catholic Irish and the restrictive legislation of the British. Parliament forced them to emigrate in drove. As land was dear in the eastern colonies, these fighting Celts drifted to the frontier. A considerable number of southern Irish, mostly Protestants but including Catholic families came at the same time. They were mostly men of property who invested in land and remained in the older-settled regions.  Britain gradually established its dominance over North America’s Atlantic coast. It successfully planted 13 colonies by edging out other colonial powers and by driving off the native Indians. Though the first English permanent settlement in America was established in Jamestown in1607, modem America was established in Jamestown in 1607, modem Americans choose to look back to the Pilgrim Father, a group of Puritans who came from England in 1620 for a symbol of the origin of their new country. They were followed by other Englishmen. They were generally known as the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP), who played the leading role in winning America’s independence. Their mother tongue, English, became the official language of the new nation. Today about 33% of Americans are of British origin. They control most of the national wealth and political power. The other white Americans, whose forefathers were from other European countries, are not so influential as the WASPs. All these white European immigrants and their descendants together constitute the majority of the American population.  After the American Civil War, a large number of the “new immigrations” came to the United States of America. Even during the Civil War some 800,000 immigrants had entered the United States, and in the ten years after the ending of the war, some 3.25 million immigrants flooded into the cities and the farms of the North and the West. In the single generation from 1880 to 1910 a tidal wave of immigration spilled almost 18 million persons on American shores. Unlike the old immigrations, who were “pushed out” of West Europe by religious persecution or impoverishment, the new immigrations were “pulled to” the United States by the prospect of good jobs and happy life. Most of them were unskilled. The large influx of the new immigrations resulted in the adoption of the Immigration Quota Law by the American government.  A lot of Chinese coolies were brought into America after the discovery of gold in California. and for the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad. The Chinese-Americans made a great contribution to the development of the American West. But, Chinese-Americans and other Asian-Americans never constitute a majority of the American population. The United States has always been a nation of immigrants composed mainly of the white people.  Immigrants from different nations all over the world joined together to make one nation, the American. They speak almost the same kind of English with far less class or regional variety than in Great Britain. They have the same way of life, similar habits and manners. They have established a new universal national culture. With only a few exceptions, the national origins have well been mixed. In this sense, the United States of America has been known as a “melting pot”.


A Nation of Immigrants Composed Mainly of the Whit...






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(十三)  【给定资料】  长期以来,“北上广”(北京、上海、广州)等一线城市是国人的向往之地,特别是大学毕业生把工作生活在一线城市作为自己的首选,但在北京、上海、广州等一线城市打拼数年后,不少年轻人重新选择到二、三线城市发展,被舆论称为“逃离北上广”。这个群体虽然还不算庞大,但和多年来人才流动的潮流“奔向北上广”形成鲜明对比。  2010年5月,在北京打拼了5年的吴女士到武汉买了一套房,并辞职前往武汉装修新房,举家“转战中部”。吴女士说:她结婚3年,到了买房生子的时候,他们这几年攒下了50万元,加上双方父母在其结婚时赞助的20万元,这笔钱在北京刚够三环附近一居室、四环附近小两居室的首付。上下班交通又非常拥挤,两人都没有北京户口,将来孩子入托、入学势必困难。相比之下,武汉房价还不太高,70万元能在武昌的繁华区域“光谷”买到不错的两居室。  2006年,学习土木工程的小刘从郑州工业大学毕业后,径直扑到广州“闯荡”。“当时就想到大城市干大事业,仿佛只有广州这样的大城市才有机遇和平台。”但不久激情便消磨殆尽。他说:“我不排斥艰苦创业,但在广州发展和生活,熬出头的希望太小,付出与回报太不成正比了。”2010年,他下定决心,离开了打拼4年多的广州,在郑州找到了一份建筑公司设计员的工作,起薪每月4000元。这个公司的业务范围主要在中部地区,但是近几年国家对中部地区的投入很大,大的建设项目也很多,因此,在这里发展,前景不比广州差。  “蚁族”是青年学者廉思提出的一个概念,它代表着一群受过高等教育、但又生活在城市边缘的年轻人。他们和蚂蚁有诸多类似的特点:高智、弱小、群居。北京、上海、广州的城乡结合部都聚集着这样的人群,总数上百万人。由于历史原因,中国的社会资源长期过度集中于“一线城市”。这样的年轻人怀揣知识来到一线城市寻梦,但近年来,由于一线城市的房价和生活成本一路飙升,而且竞争激烈,他们经常处于窘迫、焦虑与不安之中。  【问题】  结合给定资料,分析一些青年人才“逃离北上广”的主要原因。  要求:分析条理清楚,语言流畅,简明扼要,字数不超过150字。