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George Soros the Financial Crocodile  “The US governs the international system to protect its own economy. It is not in charge of protecting other economies. ”Soros says. “So when America goes into recession, you have anti- recessionary (反衰退的) policies. When other countries are in recession, they don’t have the ability to engage in anti-recessionary policies because they can’t have a permissive monetary policy, because money would flee. ” In person, he has the air of a philosophy professor rather than a gimlet-eyed (目光敏锐的) financier. In a soft voice which bears the faces of his native Hungary. he argues that it is time to rewrite the so-called Washington consensus—the cocktail of liberalization, privatization and fiscal rectitude which the IMF has been preaching for 15 years. Developing countries no longer have the freedom to run their own economies, he argues, even when they follow perfectly sound policies. He cites Brazil, which although it has a floating currency and manageable public debt was paying ten times over the odds to borrow from capital markets.  Soros credits the anti-globalization movement for having made companies more sensitive to their wider responsibilities. “I think [the protesters] have made an important contribution by making people aware of the flaws of the system,” he says. “People on the street had an impact on public opinion and corporations which sell to the public responded to that.” Because the IMF has abandoned billion dollar bailouts(紧急融资)for troubled economies, he thinks a repeat of the Asian crisis is unlikely. The fund ‘s new “tough love” policy—for which Argentina is the guinea pig——has other consequences. The bailouts were a welfare system for Wall Street, with western taxpayers rescuing the banks from the consequences of unwise lending to emerging economies. Now the IMF has drawn a line in the sand, credit to poor countries is drying up. “It has created a new problem-the inadequacy of the flow of capital from center to the periphery(外围), ”he says.  The one economy Soros is not losing any sleep about is the US. “I am much more positive about the underlying economy than I am about the market, because we are waging war not only on terrorism but also on recession.” he says. “I have not yet seen an economy in recession when you are gearing up for war.” He worries that the world’s largest economic power is not living up to its responsibilities. “I would like the United States to live up to the responsibilities of its hegemonic(霸权的) power because it is not going to give up its hegemonic power,” he says. “The only thing that is realistic is for the United States to become aware that it is in its enlightened self- interest to ensure that the rest of the world benefits from their role. ”


George Soros the Financial Crocodile  “The US gove...






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某机电工程项目经招标由具备机电安装工程总承包一级资质的A安装工程公司总承包,其中锅炉房工程和涂装工段消防工程由建设单位直接发包给具有专业资质的B机电安装工程公司施工。合同规定,施工现场管理由A安装工程公司总负责。工程监理由一家有经验的监理公司承担,工程项目主材由A安装公司提供,工程设备由建设单位与C单位签订合同,A、B两公司都组建了项目部。在施工过程中发生了如下事件: 事件1:锅炉进场后,B公司对出厂随带文件进行了点检即开始施工,监理工程师发现文件不齐全,指令B公司停工。 事件2:由于锅炉汽包延期一个月到货,致使B公司窝工和停工,造成经济损失,B公司向A公司提出索赔被拒绝。 事件3:A公司制定了现场安全生产管理目标和总体控制规定,B公司没有执行。 事件4:涂装工段工程验收后,建设单位向公安消防监督机构提交工程消防验收申请,要求公安消防监督机构消防验收,由于B公司提交的资料不全,公安消防监督机构不受理。 事件5:设备安装结束后,在施工单位自检验收的基础上,由监理工程师组织施工单位项目专业质量负责人进行了验收。 在事件1中,锅炉出厂随带文件主要包括哪些?