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学历语言类 | 上海外语口译证书考试






发布时间: 2023-03-21 05:00:53 发布人:

1、The author’s attitude to ward Richard Laminas remark is one of ______.(单选题)

A. strong disapproval

B. reserved consent

C. slight contempt

D. enthusiastic support


2、Which of the following statements is NOT true?(单选题)

A. People may have different personalities.

B. People differ from each other in appearance.

C. People can learn to recognize human faces.

D. People can describe all human features of others.


3、The author mentions, which of the following as a characteristic of the practice of psychohistorians?(单选题)

A. The lives of historical figures are presented in episodic rather than narrative form.

B. Archives used by psychohistorians to gather material are not accessible to other scholars.

C. Past and current events are all placed within the same deterministic diagram.

D. Events in the adult life of a historical figure are seen to be more consequential than are those in the childhood of the figure.


4、From Heilman’s remark, we can see that ______.(单选题)

A. full use has been made of the wisdom of older people

B. the wisdom of older people is not valued by American society

C. older people are no less intelligent than young people

D. the wisdom of older people is of great value to American society


5、Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first sentence of the text?(单选题)

A. Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase, the town’s tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area.

B. Although a state.passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase.

C. Although a town’s citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town’s water supplies continue to dwindle, because of a steady increase in the total populating of the town.

D. Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to the price of imported goods, the sate of imported goods within the country continues to increase.



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