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学历语言类 | 国外英语考试



发布时间: 2024-04-18 05:00:32 发布人:

1、In what light does the passage depict the efforts by Fredric Wertham to bring about regulation of the comic book industry?(单选题)

A. As a fanatical crusade brought about by Wertham’s inner demons

B. As a witch-hunt roughly analogous to the concurrent anti-Communist hearings by the House Committee on Un-American Activities

C. As a reasonable response to an industry that had gone too far

D. As an angry response to a trend in the subject matter of the comic book industry

E. As an inappropriate response to a phenomenon that was not actually hurting anyone


2、If 37.5% of the 880 students at a certain cortege are enrolled in biology classes, how many students at the college are NOT enrolled in a biology class?(单选题)

A. 110

B. 330

C. 550

D. 430

E. 880


3、The stock market collapse of 1929 had far-reaching consequences for the national economy, causing a nationwide collapse in home values, putting millions out of work, and by erasing the investment savings of one-fifth of the population.(单选题)

A. and by erasing

B. and erasing

C. and having erased

D. and erased

E. by erasing


4、According to information given in the passage, which of the following locations would probably yield the highest probability of finding a previously undiscovered papyrus fragment?(单选题)

A. The ship of a royal messenger that sank off the Egyptian coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the third century B. C.

B. The charred remnants of an ancient Egyptian palace that was burned by Roman troops in the first century B. C.

C. The refuse heap of an ancient Egyptian town that was buried in the desert in the fifth century A. D.

D. The private collections of French and British explorers from the nineteenth century A. D. who first uncovered many of the principal sites of Egyptian archeology

E. The library of a Hellenistic fishing village that sank into the marshes of the Nile Delta in the third century A. D.


5、The percent change in the weight from age 2 months to age 10 months is approximately ______ the percent change in the weight from age 10 months to age 19 months.(单选题)

A. equal to

B. 2 times

C. 3 times
