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学历语言类 | 大学英语考试



发布时间: 2024-04-18 05:01:23 发布人:

1、According to Gary, most of the jobs offered in The Times’job section are(单选题)

A. jobs around the country.

B. jobs overseas.

C. jobs on the other side of the state.

D. local jobs.


2、The sentence in the sixth paragraph “You don’t get it, and you never will” implies that______.(单选题)

A. the teenagers think that their parents will never understand them.

B. it’s teenagers’ excuse to disguise their vulnerability of being under custody.

C. the generation gap can not be shortened despite their parents’ efforts.

D. the parents do not necessarily force into the world of their children.


3、In this passage the author argues that _____.(单选题)

A. more and more evidence shows college education may not be the best thing for high school graduates

B. college education is not enough if one wants to be successful

C. college education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, and quick-learning people

D. intelligent people may learn quicker if they don’t go to college


4、Which of the following statements about scientists is true?(单选题)

A. Scientists tend to approach non-scientific problems in a more objective way than common people.

B. Most scientists believe arts and literature are of little use and hence think little of them.

C. Scientists are against the concept that science means a way of looking at the world partly

D. All scientist are totally in line with the government of their country.


5、Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?(单选题)

A. He wants to get the name right for scientists who are not in the field of exact science.

B. He wants to show that scientists can be wrong.

C. He just wants to show the tight concept to the confused people.

D. He wants to make the concept clear so that people can have the right education.
