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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2021-04-04 05:42:07 发布人:

1、According to the passage, what would happen to healthy cells within 48 hours of exposure to radio waves?(单选题)

A. The number of healthy cells will keep declining as more and more of them die.

B. The number of healthy cells will initially drop before recovering rapidly.

C. The number of healthy cells will be on steady increase throughout the process.

D. The scientists have not yet arrived at any conclusion on this issue.


2、According to the passage, ______.


A. more money is going to be used to build houses in risky places

B. Ashford is a safe place for building houses

C. Thames Gateway is a safe place to build houses

D. there are 151,000 houses being built in risky places now


3、The speaker of the passage is of the opinion that ______.(单选题)

A. protecting the farmland is more important than protecting wild animal

B. protecting endangered species is more important than protecting the interests of the farmers

C. protecting the farmland and the wild animals are equally important

D. one can rely more on bees than mice to frighten beasts off the farm


4、According to the speaker, who are working in the industrial estates?(单选题)

A. People from the suburbs.

B. People from other country towns.

C. Volunteers.

D. Local inhabitants.


5、Only one of the following statements is true, according to what was said. Which one is it?


A. The approaches of the three researchers are quite different.

B. The three researchers’ approaches are all based on detecting imperfections in the print quality of documents.

C. Old-school forensic scientists were unable to trace documents to particular typewriters based on quirks of the individual keys.

D. The researchers from Purdue believe the perfect pieces of engineering leave unique patterns of banding in their products.
