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热门试题热门资讯 相关试题


Passage 4  ● Read the text below about the importance of an internship.  ● Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.  ● For each gap 9-14, mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  ● There is an example at the beginning (0).IS an internship really all that important?  In years past, it was more common for college students to take summer jobs at local retail outlets or restaurants just to earn money, said John A Challenger, chief executive of Challenger Gray & Christmas. It can be extremely important as a way to determine which industries, companies and types of work are best for you, and as a way to secure future references and job offers.  Once starting an internship, make the most of it. Above all, be realistic. Some people approach internships with a sense of entitlement, said Mark Oldman, founder of Vault, a career Web site, and the author of several books on internships. He added, ‘it’s hard to go from a campus hot stuff to a corporate layman, and it’s ridiculous when some interns want to come in and change everything,’ (9)______  If you feel clueless, use that to your advantage. (10)______, interns generally have more freedom than the average employee to pass across departments and hierarchies in search of help. They can gain valuable knowledge and mentors, because most people enjoy sharing their experience with a younger generation.  In general, Mr.Oidman said, ‘It’s important for an intern to quickly decode the culture of the company and not step outside that.’ That extends to the way you dress, Mr. Challenger said. ‘A lot of times when you’re younger you want to show how unique you are rather than identify with others,’ he said. (11)______.  In the opinion of Mr. OIdman, internships are an ideal way for employers to find out whether a new worker is suitable for a particular job. (12)______. Therefore, as an intern, when you are asked to perform tasks that are boring and unimportant, you shouldn’t feel wronged by that you should be willing to do such work because that shows you are a hard worker, said Mr.Oldman. (13)______. ‘Look for work, but do it gently or indirectly, and not too assertively,’ Mr. Oldman added, ‘do what’s asked of you optimally and then offer your services for additional projects.’  Last but not least, there’s something you can do to improve the chances that your internship will lead a job offer. Before you leave, ‘build a budge to the future,’ Mr. Oldman said. Go over what you learned with your managers, and tell them how much you appreciated the opportunity to work with them. (14)______. That way, even if your internship does not lead to a job at that company, it will help clear a path to your eventual employer.  Example:  A. They enable employers to see who works hard, who gets along with everybody, who seems to fit into their culture.  B. And ask whether your managers would be willing to write a letter of recommendation before you leave.  C. It is much more appropriate to approach the internship with a learning attitude, as suggested by Mr. Oldman.  D. Many interns don’t attach sufficient importance to this  E. At the same time, be on the lookout for projects that will let you make good use of more advanced skills.  F. The power of curious interns can’t be overestimated.  G. In the workplace, however, you tend to be judged by your willingness to fit into the group’s norms.  H But now an internship is seen as a vital first career step, he said.


变压器副边有中心抽头的全波整流电路如图所示,副边电源电压为v 2a-v 2b=√2V 2sinωt 假定忽略管子的正向压降和变压器内阻。 试画出v 2a、v 2b、i D1、i D1、i L、L v及一极管承受的反向电压v Ro的波形;




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