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Passage 1  The cost of staging the year 2000 Olympics in Sydney is estimated to be a staggering $ 9 million, but (1) the city is preparing to the financial benefits that come from holding such an international event by equaling the commercial success of Los Angeles, the only city yet to have made a demonstrable profit from the Games in 1984. At precisely 4:20 a.m. on Friday the 24th of September 1993, it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world, and Australians everywhere, not only Sydneysiders, were justifiably proud of the result. (2) But, if Sydney had lost the bid, would the taxpayers of New South Wales and of Australia have approved of governments spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise?  There may have been some consolation in the fact that the bid came in $ l million below the revised budget and $ 5 million below the original budget of $ 29 million formulated in mid-1991. However, the final cost was the considerable sum of $ 24 million, the bulk of which was paid for by corporate and community contributions, merchandising, licensing, and the proceeds of lotteries, with the NSW Government, which had originally been willing to spend up to $ 10 million, contributing some $ 2 million. (3) The Federal Government’s grant of $ 5 million meant, in effect, that the Sydney bid was financed by every Australian taxpayer.  Prior to the announcement of the winning city, there was considerable debate about the wisdom of taking financial risks of this kind at a time of economic recession. (4) Others argued that 70% of the facilities were already in place, and all were on government-owned land, removing some potential areas of conflict which troubled previous Olympic bidders. The former NSW Premier, Mr. Nick Greiner, went on record as saying that the advantage of having the Games… “is not that you are going to have $ 7.4 billion in extra gross domestic product over the next 14 years.” (5) I think the real point is the psychological change, the gaining of confidence, apart from the other more obvious reasons, such as the building of sporting facilities, tourism, and things of that nature.


Passage 1  The cost of staging the year 2000 Olymp...






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甲公司以一项固定资产与乙公司的一项长期股权投资进行资产置换,假定该项交换具有商业实质且换入或换出资产的公允价值能够可靠地计量。具体资料如下: (1)甲公司换出:固定资产(2009年初购入的生产设备)原值为180万元,已计提折旧27万元,公允价值为162万元,含税公允价值为189.54万元;支付固定资产清理费用3万元; (2)乙公司换出:长期股权投资,账面余额为171万元,已计提减值准备36万元,公允价值为210万元; (3)甲公司另向乙公司支付银行存款20.46万元(支付补价48万元、收取增值税销项税额27.54万元)。 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列问题。 下列各项关于甲公司上述交易会计处理的表述中,不正确的是( )。



