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Passage 2  ● Read the article below about labor market in Spain.
  ● In most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.
  ● If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.
  ● If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
  ● The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).
HWOCRTEMP_ROC80  Spain’s government wants firms to appoint more female directors
  0. Spain is the first European country ever to produce a government with more
  00. female than male ministers. Despite of their sudden ascendancy in politics, however,
  41. women are almost being absent from the upper ranks of business. Spanish women
  42. make up by just 4. 1% of corporate brands, against an average of 11% in Europe.
  43. One reason is that fewer women make it into the workforce than in any other
  44. European countries. Reconciling family life with work, a struggle anywhere, seems
  45. to be very hard in Spain. Spanish women who spend far more time on domestic chores
  46. than men. The government has passed a law that requiring firms to raise the share of
  47. women on boards to 40% by 2015. However, the target is mainly symbolic, since
  48. companies will not face with financial penalties if they do not meet it. To begin with,
  49. it may be better to help women gain enough experience to be good candidates for
  50. directorships. Of course, there are no reasons for optimism. A bigger share of women
  51. in their 20s are joining in the workforce Many people believe it is only a matter of
  52. time long before women’s lot at Spanish firms improve. It’s changing naturally, it’s a generational thing.


Passage 2  ● Read the article below about labor ma...






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1993年8月5日13时15分,深圳市安贸危险品储运公司清水河仓库4库,因违章将过硫酸铵、硫化钠等化学危险品混储,引起化学反应而发生火灾爆炸事故。此事故发生是由于违反安全规定。 (1)违反消防法规,丙类物品仓库当甲类仓库使用。1987年5月,该公司以丙类杂品干货仓库使用性质向深圳市消防支队报请建筑消防审核。1989年该仓库部分库房存储危险品,违反了消防规范要求。 (2)消防安全管理工作不落实。第一,没有称职的防火安全干部;第二,化学危险品进库没有进行安全检查和技术监督,账目不清,管理混乱;第三,仓库搬运工和部分仓管员是外来临时工,上岗前未经必要的培训,发生火灾后不懂如何扑救。 (3)拒绝消防监督提出的整改建议,对隐患久拖不改。 (4)消防基础设施、技术装备与扑救大火不适应。深圳市是缺水城市,清水河地区更是缺水区,仓库区虽然有些消防栓,但因压力达不到国家消防技术标准规定,使灭火工作受到影响。 分析仓库遭遇火灾时常规的灭火方法有哪些?