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Practice 4  Read the following text(s) and write an essay to  1) summarize the main points of the text(s),  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and  3) justify your stand.  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text(s). If you use more than three consecutive words from the text(s), use quotation marks (“ ”).  You should write 160—200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.  The information and computer technologies have boosted the efficiency and convenience of people’s work and study. Their application in school education has provided teachers and students with new approaches to knowledge and information. There is a heated discussion about whether computers will replace teachers. The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions.  Supporters:  With the advanced computer and Internet, children can get the learning material whenever they want.  Online teaching is becoming more and more popular that students can get planned lessons online. After each class, there is homework for them to do. Both the learning and practice can be done on computers.  From computers students can learn something that they are interested in so that they won’t be restricted to the subjects that they are taught at school. Therefore, students will have the opportunity to achieve an all-around development.  Opponents:  Students need to communicate with teachers and get instructions from them whenever they have troubles in their study. Computers are only cold devices that will affect children’s ability to have face-to-face communication.  Education is not only about imparting the knowledge, but also being a useful person. So students need to learn some useful values to be a good person which sometimes cannot be easily learned from computers.  Children who use computer will learn to communicate with machines instead of people. There is a risk that they will be a generation of social illiterates.


Practice 4  Read the following text(s) and write a...






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