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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2021-04-28 05:21:58 发布人:

1、As for the writer, what can be concluded from the talk?(单选题)

A. He believes driving on a road as dull as a motorway leads to drivers’ sleepiness.

B. He thinks it a pity that the issue of sleepiness has not been properly reported.

C. He agrees with the government bodies that reliable statistics cannot be obtained.

D. He shares with the police that sleepiness has caused 20% of motorway accidents.


2、The speaker indicates that the dramatic critic is ______.


A. inclined to be objective

B. conditioned by certain requirements of his column

C. happy to oblige the backers of plays

D. suspicious of criticism directed against him


3、Compared with literature, communication stresses ______.(单选题)

A. the use of good-patterned sentence structures

B. meaning effect rather than the pattern of a sentence

C. the flow of sound which contributes to the meaning

D. the playing of words instead of that of tones


4、According to the passage, which of the following did NOT happen in the room where the college entrance exam was going on?


A. The teachers in the exam hall tried to stop the police from entering into the room.

B. Some examinees sent answers with mobile phones to people outside the room to make profits.

C. The mobile phones were confiscated by the police.

D. Some examinees forwarded answers to people who have paid a lot of money.


5、The best cure for smoking-related diseases is ______.(单选题)

A. to refuse to smoke

B. to improve environmental protection

C. to stop the selling of cigarettes in shops

D. to increase taxation on tobacco
