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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2021-05-16 06:31:59 发布人:

1、What does “brain drain” refer to?(单选题)

A. An activity that uses the brain to create a lot of wealth.

B. Applying for positions in foreign countries.

C. The movement of professional people to a rich nation.

D. The training of skilled individuals in developed countries.


2、Which of the following statements is the best title for the passage?(单选题)

A. Causes of Accelerating Language Disappearance

B. The Future of Language

C. The Acceleration of Language Death

D. Government Language Policies


3、According to the speaker, as an investor you should do the following EXCEPT ______.


A. researching financial pages of the Wall Street Journal

B. keeping an eye on the stock market

C. consulting an expert on investment

D. searching for as much information as possible about the listed companies


4、How was the British architecture style characterized in the early 20th century?(单选题)

A. It followed the mainstream trends in the architecture around the world.

B. It developed a style of its own, thus distinguishing itself from architecture elsewhere.

C. There was a recovery of the architecture style in the Renaissance time.

D. It remained aloof from the new trends and stuck to the traditional style.


5、According to the passage, what kind of tomatoes will induce the biggest offense?(单选题)

A. Red and soft.

B. Yellow and soft.

C. Green and hard.

D. Not mentioned.
