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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2021-05-18 06:21:04 发布人:

1、Where do one-fourth of global carbon emissions largely come from?(单选题)

A. Burning fossil fuels.

B. Electricity generation.

C. Deforestation.

D. Residential and commercial buildings.


2、What do most studies show?(单选题)

A. A decline in the tobacco industry would lead to more unemployment.

B. The rate of employment has nothing to do with the tobacco industry.

C. Increase in tobacco production will result in the decline of employment.

D. The workforce may be better off with a reduced tobacco industry.


3、Why are many people on restricted or reduced diets?(单选题)

A. Because they are concerned about their weight.

B. Because they are allergic to milk products.

C. Because they have a lot of health problems.

D. Because they frequently complain about their food.


4、The male workers in the factories demanded ______.(单选题)

A. higher pay

B. better working conditions

C. better family care

D. women be paid differently with men


5、The speaker of the passage is of the opinion that ______.(单选题)

A. protecting the farmland is more important than protecting wild animal

B. protecting endangered species is more important than protecting the interests of the farmers

C. protecting the farmland and the wild animals are equally important

D. one can rely more on bees than mice to frighten beasts off the farm
