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最易与陈旧性宫外孕相混淆的疾病是(  )。


最易与陈旧性宫外孕相混淆的疾病是(  )。










热门试题热门资讯 相关试题

Directions:You are going to read an article from a consumer magazine about the London underground railway. Choose the most suitable heading (A-F) for each part (1-5) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.  The world’s first underground railway (the Tube) opened in London in January 1863. Today there are 11 lines serving 272 stations, the busiest of which, King’s Cross, sees the start and finish of around 70 million journeys a year. But the system is in crisis—mainly as a result of underinvestment. Overcrowding combined with poor reliability can lead to problems for travellers, particularly those who use the Tube during its busiest hours    This report looks at service and safety on the Underground. It’s based on the findings of our survey of passengers. Last June we interviewed 1,698 Tube travellers outside 46 Underground stations in London; 517 regular travellers (those using the Tube throughout the year on three or more days each week) were contacted again and asked more detailed questions by phone.    Since 1981 the number of passengers using the Tube has increased by almost half. The increase in passengers has not been matched by an expansion of the Underground system and there is widespread congestion, particularly during the six peak hours when over 60 per cent of all journeys are made. London Underground Limited (LU) states that over the busiest rush hour no more than one person should have to stand for each seated passenger. But LU’s own statistics show that this standard is often not met over large areas of track on a daily basis.Forty-three per cent of regular travellers had missed an appointment or been late for something in the two weeks before the survey because of delays on the Underground.    Forty-three per cent of regular travellers mentioned graffiti, rubbish and generally dirty conditions as one of the aspects of the Underground’s service they disliked. The aim set by Government for train cleaning is that carriages should be cleaned internally every day they are in use. LU’s figures show it has come very close to achieving this. But there are no standards to define or measure how well trains have been cleaned. LU has made progress in dealing with rubbish at major stations but graffiti, old coaches and unmodernised stations remain serious problems.    Well over half of the regular travellers said they were dissatisfied with the information provided when something goes wrong on the system; 72 per cent of those who were dissatisfied complained that the information was wrong or given too late; 49 per cent couldn’t hear or understand what was said. LU told us that a new system has been installed, which should mean clearer messages. However, the new system applies only to messages broadcast within stations; those coming from a central control room may not improve for some time to come.    Most of this report reflects the experiences of regular Tube travellers but we also asked those who do not travel every day for their views. The most popular type of ticket bought by these travellers was a one-day pass. Few appeared to have had problems finding their way around the system—89 per cent said finding their way around was “easy”.


被审计单位进行会计处理时存在下列情形,不属于舞弊行为的是(  )。


患者男,50岁。肝硬化5年。中午进食后突然呕血,色暗红,量约350ml,急诊入院。查体:神志清,T 37.5℃,P 120次/分,BP 90/60mmHg,患者情绪高度紧张,诉说有濒死的感觉,经抢救,患者病情平稳后行门体分流术。分流术后24小时内应指导患者采取的卧位是(   )



下列醇与卢卡斯试剂反应活性最高的是(  )。


公安机关消防机构应当在收到消防设计、竣工验收备案材料之日起( )日内,依照消防法规和国家工程建设消防技术标准强制性要求完成图纸检查,或者按照建设工程消防验收评定标准完成工程检查,制作检查记录。
