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Good Communication for Making Friends As a communication skills trainer, I've met a wide range of people. Some people have trouble associating with others and have difficulty making friends. So I would like to discuss two key points to making good friends. The first is to show respect and love for your friends through your words. Try to say things to others that would feel good to you if you heard them. For example, say things like, "Thanks for the great time" and "It was really nice to get to know you."If you are not good at speaking, then smiling and using body language to express your sincerity is also an effective way to communicate. Additionally, I recommend that when you meet someone new send them an e-mail or letter before the day is over to express how nice it was to meet them. The goal of good communication is to reach another person's heart and form a comfortable relationship. It is, therefore, based the premise that you get rid of your worries and become a bright and positive person. When there is static noise over the phone line, you can't hear the other person clearly, right? In the same way, when your mind is full of worries and you try to communicate with another person, you cannot give or receive messages accurately. For example, let's say you are still tied to a past wound of being betrayed by a friend and feeling hurts .Even if you meet someone new and he or she tells you, "Let's be good friends," you may not be able to accept it because you will hear a negative inner voice saying something like "I might be betrayed again" or "the person might have a hidden agenda."With this worry in your mind, you will not be able to make friends. If you can be refreshed and get rid of your worries, you should be able to sense others' thoughts and feelings without prejudice and build a relationship of trust. If you really can't let go of your painful past experience, then try to change your perspective on the experience. For example, try to think that it was a necessary lesson for you to understand others' pain. If you can think of the positive intention behind the event, then you will be able to view the experience favourably and feel better. The example in paragraph 2 is intended to show that( )

显像图中左心室下后壁显像剂分布表现为(  )。






具有暖宫调经、理气补血作用的是(  )。


某安装公司承包一演艺中心的空调工程,演艺中心地处江边(距离江边100m),空调工程设备材料:双工况冷水机组(650Rt)、蓄冰槽、江水源热泵机组、燃气锅炉、低噪声冷却塔(650t/h)、板式热交换机、水泵、空调箱、风机盘管、各类阀门(DN20mm~DN700mm)公称压力1.6MPa、空调水管(DN20mm~DN700mm)、风管、风阀及配件(卡箍、法兰)等由安装公司订立采购合同。 安装公司项目部进场后,针对工程中采用的新设备、新技术编制了施工方案,方案中突出了施工程序和施工方法,并明确了施工方法的内容,江水热源泵机组利用江水冷却,需敷设DN700mm冷却水管至江边,DN700mm冷却水管道的敷设路径上正好有一排千年古树,方案中选择非开挖顶管技术,并分包给A专业公司施工。空调水管需化学清洗并镀膜,分包给B专业公司施工。安装公司向专业公司提供了相关资料,负责现场的管理工作,确保专业公司按批准的施工方案进行施工。 按施工进度计划,安装公司项目部及时与供货厂商联系,使设备材料运到现场时间与施工进度配合,以满足施工进度要求。设备材料达到施工现场,按规定对设备材料进行检验,其中对阀门重点检验。空调工程按施工程序实施。空调设备安装后,进行管道、风管及配件安装调试,空调工程按要求完工。 问题 1.安装公司项目部在履行设备采购合同时主要有哪些环节? 2.A、B专业公司进场后,安装公司项目部应做哪些工作? 3.本工程要编制哪几个新技术的施工方案?方案中的施工方法应有哪些主要内容? 4.指出DN700mm阀门压力试验的合格标准。 5.空调供回水(冷热水)主管需与哪些设备连接?DN100mm以上空调水管与设备可采用哪种连接方式?
