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Passage1When American soldiers return home from war with disabilities, they often suffer twice-first from their combat injuries, next from the humiliation of government dependency.Wounded veterans learn they have two basic choices: They can receive almost $3,000 month in disability benefits along with medical care and access to other various welfare programs, or they can try to find a job. Especially in this economy, it's no wonder that many find that first option hard to turn down.Mark Duggan, an economics professor at Stanford University, reports that enrollment in U.S. veterans' disability programs rose from 2.3 million in 2001 to 3.9 million in 2014. The percentage of veterans receiving benefits doubled, from 8.9% in 2001 to 18% in 2014. Disability services for veterans now consume $59 billion of the $151 billion department of Veterans Affairs budget.In the 1980s and 1990s, male veterans were more likely to be in the labor force than non-veterans. But since 2000, that has changed dramatically. Now there is a 4% gap between veteran and non-veteran labor participation, with veteran participation lower.Navy SEAL Eric Greitens, founder of The Mission Continues, explains how soldiers who served their country are transformed into welfare receivers who live off their country."When veterans come home from war they are going through a tremendous change in identity," he says."Then the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, and others, encourage them to view themselves as disabled."By the time they come to Greitens' non-profit organization,"We meet a number of veterans who see themselves as charity cases and are not sure anymore what they have to contribute."There are also more practical factors driving the disability boom. One is the expansion of qualification criteria. In 2000, for instance, type 2 diabetes was added as a disability because of evidence linking exposure to Agent Orange with the onset of the disease. Heart disease has also been added to the list.Another possible factor is that younger veterans seem less against welfare than their parents'generation. Veterans who have served since the 1990s are much more likely to sign up for disability than their older counterparts;1 in 4 younger veterans is on disability, versus just 1 in 7 of those over age 54.We shouldn't go back to the bad-old days when veterans were afraid to admit weakness. But Lt. Col. Daniel Gade is one of many veterans who think our disability system is harmful psychologically, to former soldiers. Gade lost his leg in combat in 2005 and now teaches at West Point. He recently gave a talk to disabled veterans at Ft. Carson, Colo., in which he urged them to rejoin the workforce."People who stay home because they are getting paid enough to get by on disability are worse off,"he warned."They are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. They are more likely to live alone."What a waste of human potential, especially since most veterans on disability still have their prime working years ahead of them when they' re discharged.We could solve this problem by changing the way we view-and label-veterans with disabilities. As Gade noted in a recent article,"Veterans should be viewed as resources, not as damaged goods."He recommended that "efforts to help veterans should begin by recognizing their abilities rather than focusing only on their disabilities, and should serve the ultimate aim of moving wounded soldiers to real self-sufficiency."On a more practical note, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs could reallocate resources to spend more on job training and less on disability. Current placement programs are sadly inadequate.We are good at sending soldiers off to war. Yet when these young men and women return home, they are essentially told,"We' ll give you enough for a reasonably comfortable life, but we won't help you find a job."It is unreasonable that we are condemning thousands of young veterans who served their country to life on the dole rather than enabling them to reenter the workforce with the necessary accommodations.How does Mark Duggan prove his opinion in the passage?





有人说,传统小说是依赖经验的写作,而网络小说是依赖想象的写作。看来,这两种写作需要找到一个结合点,依赖经验的写作需要吸纳网络小说的想象,而依赖想象的写作则需要揉入中丰厚充实的经验。当今的文学要从原创力日益萎缩的窘境中走出来,作家们增加生活经验的积累应该是一个非常关键的举措。但这还只是由经验通往原创力的第一步,接下来必须在体验上进行认真的修炼,使生活经验转化为心灵体验,使客观的经验世界转化为作家主观的心灵世界。这段文字重点强调的是(  )。




