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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2021-04-05 06:16:21 发布人:

1、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
It was 9 pm. Shirley Richards was driving home from a hard day at work. It had been sno-wing (36)__________ all day and the snow (37)__________ to fall. The wind was howling(呼啸) (38)__________ she drove along the empty roads. She could hardly see anything, so she lost her sense of(39)__________ and took a wrong turning. She kept (40)__________, but she finally realized that she was (41)__________ .
Suddenly her car (42)__________. She turned the key again and again feeling more and more (43)__________ because her car wouldn´t start. All she could see was thick, white snow. She (44)__________ her mobile phone and called the police. Over the phone, she explained the (45)__________ They sent out a search party,(46)__________ seven hours later, they had found nothing. They decided that no more could be done on land, so a (47)__________ was sent out.
(48)__________, Shirley was frozen with cold. She had covered herself with an old blanket and Was trying to keep moving in order to stay (49)__________. She knew that if she fell asleep, she would proba-bly never wake up.
The police chief phoned Shirley,(50)__________ that a plane had been sent to look for her and telling her to call him (51)__________ she heard the plane. It was two hours before Shirley heard the loud noise of the plane (52)__________ her! She anxiously dialed (拨) the number,(53)__________ that her battery (电池) might have run out. Fortunately it hadn´ t, and an hour later they (54)__________ her. She knew she was lucky to be (55)__________ and that if it hadn´ t been for the mobile phone she might have died in the snow.
{TS}第(36)选 (单选题)

A. heavily

B. greatly

C. deeply

D. gradually


2、 What will Professor Webster do for Don? (单选题)

A. Give the students some homework.

B. Return the exam papers to students.

C. Find someone else to teach the class.


3、 第(51)选 (单选题)

A. in case

B. as soon as

C. in order that

D. even if


4、 Vg´here did the Slow Food Movement begin? (单选题)

A. In Italy.

B. In France.

C. In Germany.


5、 How many places does the travel guide series cover? (单选题)

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six.



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