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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2021-11-05 06:18:13 发布人:

1、 听第8段材料,回答题。
Who is Janet? (单选题)

A. Don' s neighbour.

B. Don' s assistant.

C. Don' s mother.


2、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
It was 9 pm. Shirley Richards was driving home from a hard day at work. It had been sno-wing (36)__________ all day and the snow (37)__________ to fall. The wind was howling(呼啸) (38)__________ she drove along the empty roads. She could hardly see anything, so she lost her sense of(39)__________ and took a wrong turning. She kept (40)__________, but she finally realized that she was (41)__________ .
Suddenly her car (42)__________. She turned the key again and again feeling more and more (43)__________ because her car wouldn´t start. All she could see was thick, white snow. She (44)__________ her mobile phone and called the police. Over the phone, she explained the (45)__________ They sent out a search party,(46)__________ seven hours later, they had found nothing. They decided that no more could be done on land, so a (47)__________ was sent out.
(48)__________, Shirley was frozen with cold. She had covered herself with an old blanket and Was trying to keep moving in order to stay (49)__________. She knew that if she fell asleep, she would proba-bly never wake up.
The police chief phoned Shirley,(50)__________ that a plane had been sent to look for her and telling her to call him (51)__________ she heard the plane. It was two hours before Shirley heard the loud noise of the plane (52)__________ her! She anxiously dialed (拨) the number,(53)__________ that her battery (电池) might have run out. Fortunately it hadn´ t, and an hour later they (54)__________ her. She knew she was lucky to be (55)__________ and that if it hadn´ t been for the mobile phone she might have died in the snow.
{TS}第(36)选 (单选题)

A. heavily

B. greatly

C. deeply

D. gradually


3、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
It was a summer evening. I was sitting by the open window, reading a (36)____ Suddenly, I heard someone crying, "Help! Help!" It came from the tree at the other end of the yard. I(37)____but it was too dark to see anything clearly. Almost (38)____I heard the cry again. It (39)____ like a child, but I could not imagine what anybody would be doing in our backyard.
I decided to go out and have a (40)____ in the yard, just(41)____ someone was in trouble. I got a flashlight and a (42)____ and went out into the yard.(43)____ I heard the cry. "Who´ s there?" I (44)____ as I walked across the yard toward the trees. But there was no (45)____. With the help of my flashlight, I (46)____ all over that end of the yard. There was no (47)____ of anybody or any-thing. I came to the conclusion that my (48)____ was playing tricks on me, probably because of the story I was reading about strange beings on the moon.
Feeling rather (49)____ about walking around in my own backyard with a stick, I went back in-to the (50)____. I had just sat down to read my book again when I was (51)____ by the cry of "Help!
Help!" this time from right behind me. I (52)____ my book and jumped up. There, sitting on the table, was a large parrot, a bird that can copy human (53)____ ! While I was out in the yard, it must have (54)____the light in the living room and(55)____ through the open window.
{TS}第(36)题选 (单选题)

A. newspaper

B. book

C. letter

D. report


4、 What does the woman ask for? (单选题)

A. A dress of different size.

B. A dress of better quality.

C. A dress of a bright color.


5、 第(38)题选 (单选题)

A. support

B. attack

C. advance

D. escape



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