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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2022-01-23 09:59:58 发布人:

1、The first paragraph implies that ______.(单选题)

A. there is a conflict between laws and public opinions on the purpose of education.

B. the moral purpose of education varies in form with the social situation.

C. Greeks and the medieval Church had the same moral purpose in education.

D. the moral purpose of education is to advocate religious beliefs.


2、It is predicted that people who will live on other planets would have to ______.(单选题)

A. appreciate the harsh conditions they encounter there.

B. depend on the natural resources available there.

C. take most daily necessities along with them.

D. engage in scientific research.


3、From the text, we can infer that the author ______.(单选题)

A. favors the idea of putting children on a waiting list

B. agrees to test preschooler’s cognitive potentials

C. thinks children should be better prepared academically

D. disapproves of the undue pressure on preschoolers


4、A doctor will be guilty of murder if he ______.(单选题)

A. advises a patient to draw up his Advance Directive

B. refuses to carry out an Advance Directive

C. actively prescribes a medication that will quicken the death of a terminal patient

D. stops giving medication to a terminally ill patient according to his Advance Directive


5、The author’s primary purpose in the text is to ______.(单选题)

A. clarify the kinds of understanding an adolescent must have in order to develop a political ideology

B. dispute the theory that a political ideology can be acquired during adolescence

C. explain why adolescents are generally uninterested in political arguments

D. suggest various means of encouraging adolescents to develop personal political ideologies



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