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学历语言类 | 本科



发布时间: 2023-03-16 05:00:22 发布人:

1、A:Where shall we have the meeting? B:()(单选题)

A. The first conference room is spacious

B. The first conference room isn't good

C. In the first conference room


2、Precious metals such as gold and silver have been used as money.这句话的中文意思是()(单选题)

A.  贵重金属里包括黄金、白银和货币。

B.  诸如黄金和白银等这类贵重金属曾经作为货币使用过。

C.  贵重金属里的黄金、白银都被货币所替代。


3、A: Could I talk to Prof. Lee? B:()(单选题)

A. Yes,speaking.

B. Oh, it's you

C. I am the operator here.


4、Accounting is More Than Numbers Accounting could date back to about 7,000 years ago. People of that time relied on old accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting has greatly developed with the growth of joints tock companies . When you think of accounting, you may find pages of tables and numbers. That image doesn’t usually give you too much excitement. When you have your ownbusiness, though, those numbers come to mean the world to you because they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lost. Actually, accounting is not simply about strange dollar amounts or boring numbers; they’re your sales figures, your costs, and your profits. In other words, accounting is alanguage of business. Once you know how to work with those numbers, how to read those numbers and how to read the story they tell, you will be able to manage your business toward greater success. Accounting could date back to about()years ago.(单选题)

A. 7,000

B. 6,000

C. 5,000


5、(),three months ago I could not have negotiated this deal.(单选题)

A.  Especially

B.  Partially

C.  Entirely

D.  Obviously
