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学历语言类 | 自考公共课


00012 英语(一)

00070 政府与事业单位会计 00155 中级财务会计 00009 政治经济学(财经类) 00031 心理学 00153质量管理(一) 00002邓小平理论概论 00261 行政法学 00156 成本会计 00012 英语(一) 00005马克思主义政治经济学 00315 当代中国政治制度 00102 世界市场行情 00151企业经营战略 00089 国际贸易 00145生产与作业管理 12656毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 00041 基础会计学 00157 管理会计(一) 00223 中国法制史 00147人力资源管理(一) 00226 知识产权法 00043 经济法概论(财经类) 00233 税法 00227 公司法 00146中国税制 00051 管理系统中计算机应用 00179 谈判与推销技巧 00054 管理学原理 00018计算机应用基础 11345文体写作 00183 消费经济学 00058 市场营销学 00230 合同法 00037美学 00281社区社会工作 00242 民法学 00184 市场营销策划 00185 商品流通概论 00243 民事诉讼法学 00634广告策划 00186 国际商务谈判 00244 经济法概论 00535现代汉语 00245 刑法学 00067 财务管理学 00247 国际法 00535现代汉语言 00249 国际私法 00530中国现代文学作品选 00257 票据法 00078 银行会计学 00259 公正与律师制度 00150 金融理论与实务 00536古代汉语 00260 刑事诉讼法学 03706 思想道德修养与法律基础 00633新闻学概论 00262 法律文书写作 03708 中国近现代史纲要 00263 外国法制史 03291人际关系学 00264 中国法律思想史 03709 马克思主义基本原理概论 00635广告法规与管理 04729 大学语文 00091国际商法 00053 对外经济管理概论 00055企业会计学 00020 高等数学(一) 00853广告学(二) 02126应用文写作 00889经济学(二) 05171中小企业战略管理 00077 金融市场学 00896 电子商务概论 18960现代礼仪学 05723非政府组织管理 00015 英语(二) 00893市场信息学 00383学前教育学 00384学前心理学 12656 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 00040 法学概论 00449教育管理原理 00453教育法学 00456教育科学研究方法 00458中小学教育管理 00464中外教育简史 00466发展与教育心理学 00467课程与教学论 00472比较教育 00642传播学概论 00830现代语言学 02113医学心理学 05615心理健康教育概论 05618青少年心理卫生 05619心理咨询与辅导 10039教育行政学 00199中外民俗 00287发展社会学 00409美育基础 00504艺术概论 00522英语国家概况 0053200533中国古代文学作品选 0053800539中国古代文学史 00637广告媒体分析 00638企业形象与策划 00643公关心理学 00653中国新闻事业史 00660外国新闻事业史 00662新闻事业管理 00814中国古代文论选读 01936人机工程学 07189视听语言 07233摄影基础 00235犯罪学(一) 00246国际经济法概论 00923行政法与行政诉讼法 03312劳动和社会保障 05677法理学 05679宪法学 05680婚姻家庭法 00042社会经济统计学原理 00061国家税收 00090国际贸易实务(一) 00100国际运输与保险 00101外经贸经营与管理 00154企业管理咨询 00161财务报表分析(一) 00164劳动经济学 00169房地产法 00201饭店餐饮管理 0065国民经济统计概论 00677服装材料 00680服装结构设计 00996电子商务法概论 00997电子商务安全导论 02625现代企业管理(一) 03312劳动和社会保障概论 03335公共管理学 03333电子政务概论 03332政府信息资源开发与管理 03617采购与供应链案例 05063项目时间管理 05364物流企业会计 06092工作分析 07750国际投资学 08310会计电算化 11750国际商务金融 05722公共经济学 11743企业组织与经营环境 02665农业生态基础 05102民航概论 00170建筑工程定额与预算 00187旅游经济学 00188旅游心理学 00191旅行社经营与管理 00193饭店管理概论 00202饭店前厅与客房管理 00346办公自动化原理及应用 00699材料加工和成型工艺 00708装饰材料与构造 01622冷冲压工艺与模具设计 02120数据库及其应用 02141计算机网络技术 02202传感器与检测技术 02277微型计算机原理应用 02323操作系统概论 02333软件工程 02335网络操作系统 02378信息资源管理 02379计算机网络管理 02382管理信息系统 02405道路勘测设计 02407路基路面工程 02409桥梁工程 02440混凝土结构设计 02447建筑经济与企业管理 02448建筑结构试验 02600C语言程序设计 02658建筑工程项目管理 03137计算机网络基本原理 03142互联网及其应用 03173软件开发工具 03347流体力学 04228建设工程工程量清单计价实务 04742通信概论 04749网络工程 04751计算机网络安全 06087工程项目管理 07227电脑动画 07290电视栏目与频道策划 10510连锁与特许经营管理 00001马克思主义哲学原理 00152组织行为学 00024 普通逻辑 00167劳动法 00385 学前卫生学 00389 学前教育科学研究 00144 企业管理概论 00321 中国文化概论 00529 文学概论(一) 00537 中国现代文学史 00540 外国文学史 00541 语言学概论 00107 现代管理学 00163 管理心理学 00182 公共关系学 00277 行政管理学 00312 政治学概论 00341 公文写作与处理 03350 社会研究方法

00012 英语(一)

202000012 英语(一)历年真题12-25

发布时间: 2020-12-25 05:03:13 发布人:
202000012 英语(一)历年真题12-25


                   The Truth about Left-Handed People
     About 90% of people in the world today are right-handed.The other 10% are left-handed,including Obama,the President of the US.Every day,left-handed folks quietly face problems.It could be something as simple as driving a car or using a can opener.
      Why are so few of us left-handed?  One theory is that handedness ( hand preference) coulcl be a result of genetics.Scientists say that there are two genes (基因)  associated with handedness.One is the D is more frequent in the population and promotes (促成) right-hancl preference.The other is the C gene.It has the ability to promote a preference for either hand.When the C gene is present,there is a 50% chance that a person could be right- or left-handed.
        Another theory has to do with human brains,which are made up of two halves.If the left half is more powerful,then one is most likely right-handed.But with left-handers,it is more complicated.
Seventy percent of them are also left-brain dominant (占优势的).The other 30% have right-side dominant brains.
        During the 18th and 19th centuries,left-handedness was considered a disability.But not all of the myths about left-handers are bad.One myth suggests that they are more creative and smarter than the right-handers.So far scientific research has yet to find any truth to these claims.In fact,a 2013 survey out of New Zealand found that left-handers were the same.
        Life might be a little more comlicated for left-handers when it comes to cutting to cutting a piece of paper or opening a bottle of wine.However,it seems to be a good sign if you are trying to make it to the White House.

1.The right-handers are nine times as many as the left-handers.


A. True

B. False

C. Not Given





A. The oldest son was strong.

B. He decided to teach them a lesson.

C. Therefore,their family was very poor.

D. But together,they had great strength.

E. Then the third had to build an even larger and finer boat.

F. He,too,struggled with all of his strength to break it,but still failed.



What can be learned from this text?


A. Fresh milk is beneficial to people's health.

B. A town was named after Milton Hershey.

C. Chocolate became popular in the 1900s in the US.

D. Few people in the US have heard of Hershey chocolate.



The first time Mary carried the flowers to the hospital,she


A. handed them to her grandma

B. placed them on the lbed

C. put them in a glass

D. left them on the table



                                   Go for It!
       While watching the Olympics the other night,l came across quite a sight. It was not a world record broken,but a show of determination.
       The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another,two of them false started,so they were disqualified  (取消资格) . That left only one to compete. It would have been difficult enough,not having anyone to race against,even though the time on the clock is what's important.
      I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that he was not out for gold. His arms were flailing (乱摆)  in an attempt at freestyle. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.
      I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn to start back. You could tell he was tired out.
       But in those few difficult strokes (划动) ,the crowd had changed.
     No longer were they laughing,but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shouted things like,“Come on,you can do it ! ”  and“Go for it !” He did.
     When this young man finally finished his race,the crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold,and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history.this man did his best.
     Just a short year ago,he had never even swum,let alon raced.His country had been asked to Sydney as a polite gesture.But this man gave his all:he knew that he had no chance,but he competed because of the spirit of the games.

1)1 saw a world record being broken while watching the Olympics the other night.


A. True

B. False

C. Not Given



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