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教师公考类 | 中学教师资格证



发布时间: 2020-10-20 18:55:47 发布人:


下列为4种描述 α子经金原子核散射的行径示意图,正确的是(    )。









Children who spend more than two hours a day at a computer or watching television are more likely than others to have mental problems,scientists say.

Researchers found that 11-year-olds who spent several hours in front of a screen each day did worse on mental health tests,no matter how much physical exercise they got. The University of Bristol study,published in Pediatrics,involved more than 1,000 children aged about 10.They also had the kids fill out questionnaires designed to gauge the kids' emotional well-being and behavior.

The questionnaires contained 20 questions covering five sections-emotional difficulties,conduct problems,hyperactivity or inattention,friendships and peer groups and problems relating to friends and peer groups.

The study found no direct evidence that sitting in front of a screen actually causes mental health problems. Instead,it suggests that children with difficulties,such as extreme shyness,are more likely to choose TV or computer games than sociable activities. In the study,children were asked whether they agreed,disagreed or somewhat agree with a list of statements,including,"I generally play alone or keep to myself" and,"I am often unhappy or tearful".They were also asked how much exercise they took and how long they spent at a TV or computer screen.

According to the study,children who spent more than two hours a day at a screen had a 60% higher risk of mental problems than children who spent fewer viewing hours. The risk was only slightly higher in children who did little or no exercise.

"Physical activity is good for health in many ways,but it can't make up for long hours of screen viewing. Parents should consider limiting their children's screen viewing to no more than 2 hours a day,”said the study organizer,Angie Page.

Previous studies have raised concerns that watching too much television can affect children's behavior in later life. A Canadian study found that those who watched most TV as young children performed worse at school, ate more junk food and had more trouble concentrating.

What is the passage mainly about?


A. It describes the reasons people watch television.

B. It reports the findings of a scientific study.

C. It discusses ways to improve children's physical health.

D. It advises parents on raising their children.



阅读下面一则初中语文教师为《看云识天气》一课设计的板书,回答问题 。    以下有关这则板书设计的说法,错误的一项是(   ) 。


A. 阶梯型板书设计,形象地展示出说明事物变化的层级特点

B. 形象直观的设计,使学生对天空中薄云和厚云的种类一目了然

C. 阶梯型设计巧妙地将云层高度以及出现各种云时的天气特征进行融合

D. 这则板书设计的主要功能是让学生形象地理解文中的说明方法




People often complained about not getting"a good night's sleep",but sleep patterns differ from person to person. Most adults require six to eight hours of sleep to function well,while others survive on only a few hours. Still,most people today think of sleep as one continuous period of downtime. This is not the way people used to sleep. According to researchers in earlier times,people divided sleep by first sleep a few hours,waking up,then going back to sleep.

Before the 18th century,people had no gas or electricity in their homes. Fire,candles,or oil lamps were the common forms of lighting. This lack of artificial lighting in homes contributed to people's sleep patterns. It made sense for people to go to bed early. If you live in this time period,you might be a hard-working farmer,and you would come home,eat and quickly fall into bed exhausted. You would probably go to sleep at 9:00 or 10:00 P.M. In this first period of sleep-called first sleep-you would typically sleep until midnight or shortly afterwards.

Halfway through the night during a period some call the watch,or watching period. When you came out of first sleep,you would stay in bed and relax quietly. You might talk with a bedfellow,meditate on the day's events or the meaning of a dream,or just let your mind wander. If you enjoyed writing or drawing,you might get out of bed to write a poem or story or draw a picture.

Then you would start to feel sleepy, so would return to bed and fall asleep again for your second sleep. This period would continue until early morning when daylight arrived. Again, with no artificial lighting in homes, people naturally woke up early to take advantage of sunlight.

Today, human may consider divided sleep a strange habit, but sleep researchers say that it is actually a more natural sleep pattern. Dr. Thomas Wehr of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has studied human sleep. He thinks that modern sleep problems occur because the orderly, natural way of sleep is breaking through the more recent continuous sleep pattern. Wehr and other scientists believe that artificial lighting has altered the way people sleep. In a research study, he asked 15 adults to rest and sleep in darkness for 14 hours(from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.). At first, the subjects took a few hours to get to sleep, and then slept 11 hours a night. Then overtime, they switched to divided sleep. They fell asleep for about 3 or 5 hours in the evening, stay awake for an hour of two and then slept again for four hours till early morning.

Unlike the people in the study, we modern humans generally do not practice divided sleep. However, many of us have the experience of waking up in the middle of the night. We usually consider this a sleeping "problem", but perhaps we should look at it as natural behavior. Divided sleep may be the way we should all be sleeping. A first sleep followed by a relation period and a second period of sleep could help all of us to beat the stress of our fast-paced lives.

What conclusion does the writer make about divided sleep?


A. It is one type of sleeping problem.

B. It may help people handle daily stress.

C. It is not the best sleep pattern for everyone.

D. It is even a common practice in modern times.



匀强磁场方向垂直纸面,规定向里的方向为正,磁感强度B随时间t变化规律如图甲所示,在磁场中有一细金属圆环,圆环平面位于纸面内如图乙所示,I1、I2、l3分别表示oa、ab、bc段的感应电流.f1、f2、f3分别表示金属环对应感应电流时其中很小段受到的安培力。则下列说法错误的是(  )。


A. I1沿逆时针方向,I2沿顺时针方向

B. I2沿顺时针方向,I3沿顺时针方向

C. f1方向指向圆心,f2方向指向圆心

D. f2方向背离圆心向外f3方向指向圆心



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